Sunday, December 9, 2012

Alexis is 3

Wow, I cannot believe that Alexis is 3! This year her birthday was on Thanksgiving, so we decided to have her party on the day after Turkey day so that she could feel like it was a party for her and not just a cake added to Thanksgiving. (We did that too. The pink cake looked funny beside all of the autumn colors.)
A few months ago we asked Alexis what kind of party she wanted. She very promptly said, "A candy party. Candy is my favorite!" Around this same time we got the Candyland game from my mom. Lexi loved playing her new game. So, LEXI's CANDYLAND became the theme. We had to work on this a  month or so in advance because party supplies are a little harder to come by. We did find the Arab version of the Dollar Tree, so that helped! Here are some pictures from the party!
party fun

that was supposed to say "happy birthday," not "merry christmas." oops!

cake and strawberry milk in Alexis' candyland
the birthday girl

Alexis loved every moment! She was so excited that everyone was there for her, and of course she loved all her presents. It was very special watching her enjoy her friends. She was also excited that we were serving her favorite foods! Notice all the sugar?

A huge thanks to my sweet friends, Jully and Raquel! There is no way I could have finished this without them! And Hans, thank you for all that you did to help! I know Alexis had an amazing time! She asks, almost daily, if she is going to have another party soon!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Happy Birthday, sweet Alexis! We love you and Lucy asks about you all the time! Can't wait to see you and hug your neck! LOVE ya'll!
